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Category: General Root Cause Analysis And Risk Management Techniques

Root Cause Analysis And Risk Management Techniques

May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

The  missing  link  between  a  problem  symptom  and  the   solution   is   the   mere   questioning   of   WHY.   This course   provides  the  thought  process  that  solving  a  problem  is   not   tantamount   to   putting   a   bandage   now   and   be   at   mercy  that  it  will  not  recur.  This  course  puts  emphasis   towards  that  missing  link:  Root  Cause  Analysis.  This  will   provide   ways   of   understanding   how   to   identify   right   process-­‐centric   root   causes,   separating   them   from   grievances  and administering  teams  to  provide  relevant   and   unbiased   insights   towards   the   source   of   the   problem.    Moreover,  the  course  will  also  cater  to  cases   where  there  is  minimal  to  no  room  for  failure.  In  such   case,   risk   management   is   proper   to   identify   potential   failure  mode  just  before  the  process  has  started.  Thus   this  course  will  equip  the  individuals  the  foundation  as   to  how  to  act  before  the  problem  begins  and  when  it   begins.

Training Objectives

At  the  end  of  the  course,  the  participants  will  be  able  to:

1.  Discuss   in   teams   to   ideate   potential   drivers   of   problem.

2.  Apply  techniques  in  identifying  potential  root  causes   and  true  root  causes  of  problems.

3.  Illustrate   root   causes   using   diagrams   and   visual   representations.

4.  Apply   techniques   in   safeguarding   processes   or   projects  to  prevent  or  detect  problems  that  may  arise   in  given  situations.


I.  Root  Cause  Analysis  Roadmap  

a)  ISO  Clause  8  on  the  need  for  Data   Analysis  and  Corrective/Preventive   Action

b)  Understanding  Y  =  f(x)  Thinking

c)   Differentiation  of  Symptoms  from Root Causes

d)   Guidelines  and  Pitfalls  in  Identifying Root Causes

II.  Root  Cause  Identification Techniques

a)  The 5 Why’s

b)  Why Tree

c)  Fishbone Diagram

d)  Affinity Diagram

e)  Interrelationship Diagraph

III.  Risk  Management  Context  

a)  Risk  Management  Roadmap

b)  Risk  Treatment  Planning

IV.   Risk  Management  Technique:  Failure  Mode   and  Effects  Analysis  (FMEA)  

Download Course Outline

Training Cost: P8,500.00/pax (inclusive of VAT, AM/PM snacks, Training Materials and Certificate of Completion)

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