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Spotlights on for Quality Guru, Kaoru Ishikawa

Japan is known for providing quality products and services that are praised all over the world. One of the reasons why the Land of the Rising Sun’s global performance is always on top is because of their A + quality management. Japan has Kaoru Ishikawa to thank for that. Kaoru Ishikawa is one of the most brilliant management thinkers in Japan. He revolutionized quality management in Japan through his most notable work, the “Total Quality Management.”


Total Quality Management is a series of organization wide efforts through improve products and services. Ishikawa believed that practitioners should always seek the best possible strategies in order to give a good and continued customer services. Here are some key points that you need to know about Total Quality Management:
• Customer-center – Ishikawa agrees to the saying, “The customer is always right.” The late theorist always emphasized on the importance of customers in finding out what’s best for any organization. Customers are the best measuring tool to know whether all the efforts are doing well or not.
• Everyone is involved – All employees are participants in making sure that the company or organization can meet its goals.
• Systematic approach – Getting on top is not easy. Total quality management focuses on creating systematic strategies and planning to achieve goals and visions.
• Continuous improvement – Ishikawa’s quality management is not static. Processes and strategies may change in order to befit that needs of certain project. Creativity is key in finding various ways on how the processes may develop.
• Information is a must – Quality management should be based on facts and data. Research and data gathering are important to ensure accuracy.
• Communication – Bad communication can lead to customer dissatisfaction. Having an open communication in all parts of the organization can lead to a stimulating work environment and great overall performance.


Interested in knowing more about Kaoru Ishikawa’s quality management theory? Below are the seven diagrams that can help in building better performance for any type of organization.

• Cause and effect diagram – Also known as the Ishikawa or “Fishbone” diagram, the cause and effect diagram can effectively trace the root of any organizational problem. It can also help in categorizing ideas.
• Check sheet – This template can be used in collecting data in real time. Check sheet can be used in qualitative or quantitative method.
• Control charts – This organization tool tracks down the project’s continuous changes over a certain amount of time.
• Histogram – Also known as the bar graph, this tool enables users to see patterns that are hard to assess using numbers. Visual learners can easily see data using this type of organizational tool.
• Pareto chart – Pareto charts are used in comparing the before and after assessment.
• Scatter diagram – Popularly known as “Scatter plot,” the Scatter diagram is a line graph where two numeric pairs are plotted on an axis to look for a common connection.
• Stratification – Stratification gathers all the information from various data points and creates a pattern made for assessment.
Backed with a large philosophical framework and logic, Ishikawa’s theories continue to influence various studies about quality management. His contributions have truly changed the way organizations do their day to day work and achieve their goals.